Pilates New Plymouth Pilates New Plymouth

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Assesment in August

Assesment in August

AUGUST-Winter blues?....TIME TO ASSESS YOUR WELLBEING & make some enjoyable changes.

An assessment is a very important part of the Pilates process!

By looking at your posture from the feet up and seeing the alignment of your body from front, back & side on, we can see the potential underlying causes of any aches or pains you may be experiencing in your daily life. Only then are we able to give you the tools to help correct your imbalances. 

So often we see common aches & pains affecting peoples lives that are so easily relieved with Pilates!

A knee issue might stem from the foot or from the hip, so just looking at the knee wont necessarily help us fix or improve the condition. We need to get a better understanding of your full postural alignment to then be able to teach you how to create new Postural awareness & to provide the relevant corrective exercises causing the imbalance.

The assessment is indeed a great tool for us to help you, but more importantly it is the tool to provide YOU with the ability to UNDERSTAND YOUR BODY BETTER & work on correcting your posture!

Make sure you are getting the most out of each Pilates or any other exercise session by booking a Pilates Assessment first.


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